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Aileen Miziolek

Helping families learn to flourish and prosper together

Meet Aileen

Aileen Miziolek is a Family Business Consultant, Certified Financial Planner, and Organization and Relationship Systems Coach. She brings a multi-disciplined and integrated approach to her work, including 25 years of experience in complex financial and estate planning for business-owning families.

As Aileen's career unfolded, she developed a passion to help families work better together by overcoming relationship challenges and helping them learn to create the family culture they desire - one that supports their individual and collective capacity to keep growing. Today, Aileen works with families across North America to help them create and sustain wealth together -  in all its life-giving dimensions. 

Aileen looks at the camera, smiling
A stack of Aileen's books, "Inspired Wealth", sit on a coffee table in front of a red couch

Inspired Wealth

Inspired Wealth is now available for order on Amazon! After almost 20 years, we believe that Inspired Wealth is more relevant now than ever. 

Four copies of the book Inspired Wealth: Financial Planning for the 21st Century are placed on a clear coffee table.

Inspired Wealth is now available for order on Amazon! After almost 20 years, we believe that Inspired Wealth is more relevant now than ever. 


Download our free .pdf workbook by signing up and follow along with the book on how you can be a better leader in wealth.

Inspired Wealth

Begin your journey to having better family relationships.

Follow our Newsletter: The Family Relationship Skill Builder

This is not just your regular Newsletter. The Family Relationship Skill Builder is a collection of resources, tools, and insights to inspire and inform positive family relationships. 

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